How to Remove Moisture from Air Compressor – A Comprehensive Guide

Do you own or operate an air compressor? If so, you know that moisture is a common problem that can lead to a number of issues, including reduced efficiency, increased wear and tear, and even corrosion. If you’re not sure how to remove moisture from air compressor, don’t worry – you’re in the right place.

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In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete guide on how to remove moisture from your air compressor. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from the causes of moisture in air compressors to the different methods you can use to remove it. So whether you’re a novice or an experienced air compressor user, read on for all the information you need to keep your compressor running smoothly and efficiently.

The Causes of Moisture in Air Compressors

There are several factors that can contribute to moisture in air compressors. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Condensation: When warm, moist air is compressed, it cools and the water vapor condenses into liquid water. This is why you often see water dripping from the exhaust of an air compressor.
  • Leaks: Leaks in the air compressor system can allow moisture to enter. This can occur in the compressor itself, the hoses, or the fittings.
  • Oil contamination: Oil that is used to lubricate the compressor can become contaminated with water. This can happen if the oil is old or if it has been exposed to moisture.
  • Dirty air: Air that is drawn into the compressor can contain moisture and other contaminants. This can be especially true if the compressor is used in a dusty or humid environment.

The Effects of Moisture in Air Compressors

Moisture in air compressors can have a number of negative effects, including:

  • Reduced efficiency: Moisture can reduce the efficiency of an air compressor by causing it to work harder to compress the air. This can lead to increased energy consumption and decreased productivity.
  • Increased wear and tear: Moisture can cause the components of an air compressor to wear out more quickly. This is because moisture can cause corrosion and other forms of damage.
  • Corrosion: Moisture can cause the metal components of an air compressor to corrode. This can lead to leaks, damage, and even failure.
  • Freezing: In cold weather, moisture can freeze and cause the air compressor to malfunction. This can be especially dangerous if the compressor is being used to power critical equipment.

How to Remove Moisture from Air Compressors

There are several methods you can use to remove moisture from air compressors. The best method for you will depend on the specific type of compressor you have, the operating environment, and your budget.

Refrigerant dryers: Refrigerant dryers are the most effective way to remove moisture from air compressors. They work by cooling the compressed air until the water vapor condenses into liquid water. The liquid water is then removed from the air by a separator. Refrigerant dryers are typically used in large industrial applications where high levels of moisture removal are required.

Desiccant dryers: Desiccant dryers are another effective way to remove moisture from air compressors. They work by passing the compressed air through a desiccant material, which absorbs the water vapor. The desiccant material is then regenerated by heating it. Desiccant dryers are typically used in smaller applications where high levels of moisture removal are not required.

Membrane dryers: Membrane dryers are a less expensive option for removing moisture from air compressors. They work by passing the compressed air through a membrane that selectively allows water vapor to pass through. The water vapor is then removed from the air by a vacuum pump. Membrane dryers are typically used in small to medium-sized applications where moderate levels of moisture removal are required.

Inline filters: Inline filters are a simple and inexpensive way to remove moisture from air compressors. They work by trapping water droplets in a filter element. Inline filters are typically used in small applications where low levels of moisture removal are required.

Drain valves: Drain valves are a simple and effective way to remove moisture from air compressors. They work by allowing the condensed water to drain from the compressor. Drain valves should be opened regularly to ensure that all of the condensed water has been removed.

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Which Method of Moisture Removal is Right for You?

The best method of moisture removal for your air compressor will depend on the specific type of compressor you have, the operating environment, and your budget. Here is a general guide to help you choose the right method:

  • If you have a large industrial air compressor and you need to remove high levels of moisture, a refrigerant dryer is the best option.
  • If you have a small to medium-sized air compressor and you need to remove moderate levels of moisture, a desiccant dryer is a good option.
  • If you have a small air compressor and you need to remove low levels of moisture, an inline filter or drain valve is a good option.

How To Remove Moisture From Air Compressor


Moisture is a common problem in air compressors, but it can be effectively removed using a variety of methods. By following the tips in this article, you can choose the right method of moisture removal for your air compressor and keep it running smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

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